exclusive to Federal Code members ONLY

Still Struggling to Secure your first Contract?

Watch this...

Let's get moving! you're more than capable. 
grab the blueprint 2.0 so you can Begin Landing Life-Changing Contracts Quickly.

You see, 85 % of my students Win Government Contracts

But, There Are 15% Of Students That Don't (Here's Why...)

I see you and I want you to know, it's okay. 

Maybe you've bought the Federal Code Program, but you haven't landed that first contract yet. 

You might be wondering why, and trust me, you're not alone.

You see, the journey to winning your first contract isn't always straightforward. 

It's a path filled with learning, growth, and yes, even some stumbling blocks. 

So, let's talk about the three most common hurdles that could be standing in your way.

Firstly, making the calls. 
It can feel scary, right? Speaking up, expressing your value, pitching your services – it's not something we're born knowing how to do.

Secondly, building relationships and expanding your network
It's not just about making a call; it's about making a connection. Building trust, rapport, and mutually beneficial relationships are critical to landing those contracts.

Finally, navigating sam.gov and the complex world of contract terminology 
can feel like learning a new language. 

I get it, it can be overwhelming...

If you're part of that 15% 
It's not your fault! 

(But I'm Here To Help You Do Something About It)

Even if:

 You have no Government experience. 

 You Have No Qualifications.

 You Don’t Feel Smart Enough.

 You Didn’t Go To College Or Get A Good Education.

 You Think It All Sounds Too Complicated.

 You Have No Network Or Support…

Because the Truth is...


There are 3 Main Obstacles I Guarantee Will Stop You From Winning Your First Contact (If You Don't Get Them Right)  

Making The Phone Calls

It can feel scary, right? Speaking up, expressing your value, pitching your services – it's not something we're born knowing how to do.

Cultivating Relationships 

Human-to-human connection is crucial. Building trust, rapport, and mutually beneficial relationships are critical to landing those contracts.

Finding The Contracts

Venturing through sam.gov and deciphering the complex contract jargon can seem as challenging as mastering a foreign language.

But the good news is...
i've Specifically Formulated the blueprint 2.0 To Support You In Overcoming These 3 Obstacles


So you can turn conversations into contracts

  • Master the art of effective communication so you can negotiate and ask questions with confidence to government officials and subcontractors (plus, watch over 30 minutes of Jason on real live calls so you can understand exactly how it's done). (Insider tip: This is your ticket to contract wins. If confidence and articulation are your stumbling blocks, this is crucial to overcome!)


And increase your chances of winning contracts

  • The world of federal government contracting, it's not just about what you know, it's about WHO you know. Building robust relationships can be the difference between missing out and securing life-changing contracts. Inside you'll be equipped with the strategies, tips, and insider knowledge to confidently enhance your network and boosting your contract-winning potential.


So you can be first to find the best contracts

  • Becoming fluent in identifying codes and key terms with speed and precision is key. Being first to spot and understand the best contracts can give you a significant edge. Jason will help you navigate sam.gov, demystify its complex codes and terminology so you can identify and seize the most lucrative contracts before anyone else. Knowledge is power, and in this case, it's also the key to life-changing contracts.

i'm committed to your success and your future, especially during these tough economic times...

That's why it's important now more than ever to learn a skill set that has the ability to change the entire trajectory of your life for the better.

With The Blueprint 2.0, you could be one contract away from going on that holiday you’ve always dreamed about… 

Two contracts away from paying off your rent or mortgage for the next 12 months… 

Three contracts away from putting your kids through college… 

Four contracts away from making more than your yearly salary in just one month… 

Just one contract could change your life, but I’m all about that compounding effect, so why stop at one? 

We can dream bigger. 

And The Blueprint 2.0 is here to help you achieve it faster.

If you didn't like the financial position you were in last year... 
the blueprint 2.0 is your chance to 
Make A Change

  • 27 Modules of video based step-by-step tutorials
  • ​How to BUILD RELATIONSHIPS and ACTUALLY TALK to A Government Official 
  • 3 examples and over 30 minutes of REAL, LIVE CALLS (Hint: this is how you’ll win the contracts and if you’re lacking confidence and stumble on your words, you’re going to need to work on that!)
  • ​How to navigate the SAM.GOV step by step with screen sharing
  • ​How to understand contracts on SAM.GOV a complete breakdown with Jason
  • ​How to find the best opportunities in the federal market (How to filter, what to look for)
  • ​How to understand the codes & terminology 
  • ​The best pricing strategies and negotiation techniques
  • ​How to filter out all the noise/ unnecessary information without the overwhelm
  • ​PLUS! Answers to the most commonly asked questions 


Stay Up To Date & Fast Track Your Success

  • How to understand the codes & terminology 
  • The best pricing strategies and negotiation techniques


Answers commonly asked Questions like: 

  • Is it necessary to have a website and certifications to do this?
  • ​Is it necessary to be a subcontractor first before doing federal government contracts?
  • ​How do I manage my contracts and handle disputes?
  • ​What is the criteria for selecting a contract from the solicitations for federal government contracts?
  • ​Can a felon with a strike on their record be awarded federal government contracts? ... + So Much More!

The Total Value of this proven Program is $5,978

  The Federal Code Program + Coaching, Weekly Accountability & Support: The complete step-by-step blueprint to generating wealth via Government Contracting, PLUS 4 x 30 Minute Coaching calls, Weekly Zoom Calls With Jason White (For 3 months), Private Federal Code Community (3 Months)

Value: $23,597, Normally $2,997

  Blueprint 2.0: Navigate SAM.GOV, understand contracts and codes, find opportunities, and negotiate effectively to succeed in the federal market

Value: $5,978, Normally $997

But for You, I'm offering You a MASSIVE discount Because You're a member and i care about your success...

Value: $5,978

Normal Price: $997

Today: $497

Let me help you get there! 

why are you settling for less when you're only one contract away and i've got the results to prove it...

Half A Million In 2 Months
6 Million In Contracts!
6 Contracts In Under 12 Months
6 Contracts In 4 Months

At the end of the day the choice is yours but at this point it's like... what you waiting for?!

  • How much time do I need to commit to this program?
    Everyone’s journey is different, but if you lock in for just 30 minutes a day it is entirely possible to secure contracts in 3 months or less. So, no excuses if you work a 9-5. Anyone can do this! 

  • ​Is it guaranteed that I will win a contract after completing this program?
    I cannot guarantee your success because, at the end of the day, it is up to you to put in the work. However, 85% of my students who are locked in have secured life-changing government contracts in 3 months or less… That’s pretty great odds if you ask me.

  • How long before I start seeing results?
    On average, the majority of my students secure their first contract within the first month. Some have even gone on to secure their first within 2 weeks! While 2 weeks is not typical, it is possible. Everyone's journey is different, so I recommend preparing to lock in for 3 months max.

  • Is this The Blueprint 2.0 right for me?
    If you're struggling to secure your first contract, having trouble with confidence and articulation - especially when it comes to communicating over the phone, don't know how to build genuine relationships, create and strengthen your network, get easily overwhelmed navigating sam.gov, or just don't understand how to identify key terms and codes to find the best contract... The Blueprint 2.0 is for you!

  • ​How is The Blueprint 2.0 different from The Federal Code Program?
    Think of The Federal Code Program as the main meal and The Blueprint 2.0 as the dessert. While The Federal Code Program is the ultimate blueprint to securing contracts as the middle person, The Blueprint 2.0 is a deep dive on the specific topics of making calls, building relationships, and navigating sam.gov to find the best contracts. You’ll also get in-depth answers on the most commonly asked questions about federal government contracting.  

  • ​Is the information current inside The Blueprint 2.0?
    Yes! Every tip, trick, strategy, procedure, regulation… you name it… is based on the most up-to-date 2023 information.

  • ​What is the full price of The Blueprint 2.0 if I don't buy today? 
    The normal price of The Blueprint 2.0 is $997, but I’m doing a special deal for my Federal Code Members. For a limited time only, you can join The Blueprint 2.0 for 50% off. This means for a course that has a total value of $5,978, you can get it for $497! 

  • ​Does The Blueprint 2.0 include live coaching? 
    No, it does not include live coaching. However, if your live coaching calls have expired inside the Federal Code Program and you would like to continue them, you can renew your subscription for just $99/month by emailing admin@thefederalcode.com

  • Is there support available if I get stuck or have questions during the program?
    I am a true believer that the fastest way to get what you want in life is to help others get what they want, and asking questions is a key part of the government contracting journey, no matter what stage you’re at. Inside the Federal Code Program, you can join/resubscribe for the weekly group coaching calls for just $99/month, or you can always reach out to me via email, or Instagram DMs. 

it's your choice, but i think it's time to join that 85%

Class is already underway, and your first set of lessons are already waiting for your in the private portal so you can get started today.

Your only job is to watch the videos and follow along with me as I walk with you step by step!

Click the button now, take advantage of this crazy members only sale, and join me inside the portal. 

Let's get you on the path to building a successful future! 
Jason White 2023 ©  |  All Rights Reserved | Support

All Your Questions Answered

 Is this an in-person or online event?
This is an ONLINE event. Once you reserve your ticket you will get an email with the date, you'll get a special link to the online event. You can watch it from the comfort of your own home. 
 When is the event? 
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